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Every Step You Take - a documentary about video surveillance in Britain

Austrian filmaker Nino Leitner seems to have managed to interview some of the leading experts in the UK in his film:

Every Step You Take

A one-hour documentary about video surveillance in Britain.

There is is trailer available via Google on his blog:


Will any UK tv channel broadcast it ?

[hat tip via email from Herb]


This looks very interesting and sends out a suitably intriguing and menacing message about the sheer number of CCTV cameras in this country. I never knew people put them in toilets - an area where I'd always expect there to be privacy. I wonder if some people even stick them in the women's cubicles...?

Anyway, I can't wait to watch this.

This would be interesting to watch, and like the previous commenter I didn't know there were cameras in toilets.

They should put this documentary up on Google, especially if it reveals anything which mainstream media would be reluctant to show.

I know there are all kinds of elaborate computer analysis which can be done on video images, but to what extent these are being adopted would be interesting to find out.

CCTV has good points, check this US news story about a serial killer being id'd.

@ davidbfpo - true, however, most CCTV systems in the UK do not work like that at all, except gor the bit a bout most of the CCTV images mot being of high enough quality to identify the face of someone wearing a baseball cap.

CCTV is sold on its deterrent effect, and that plainly does not apply to crimes of passion or mental compulsion, to violent crimes whilst drunk or to terrorism.


"Is the Government actually contemplating CCTV surveillance systems Regulation, at last ?"

We have so many unregulated CCTV surveillance systems snooping on us, that they are no longer economically viable for the Police to use for their intended purpose e.g.

"A case of Can't Cope TV - Police do not have time to analyse video of burglary"

Despite the prevalence of CCTV cameras, such CCTV images have never been used to corroborate the Official Narrative of the events of 7th July 2005, where a series of explosions occurred in London. For a analysis of the CCTV 'Evidence' see here.

The UK government should RELEASE THE EVIDENCE which conclusively proves the story outlined in the Official Report.

What is the point of having all the CCTV cameras & not using the 'evidence', instead relying on a trial by media instead?

Thanks for the posting in the Spy Blog.

I'm trying to get it aired in the UK, but I can't promise anything. We're currently still working on fine-tuning the film. At some point, the film will definitely be available for free on the website, so please check regularly!

Yes, I've managed to interview some leading CCTV experts in the UK. Here is the complete list of people I've interviewed:

- Professor Clive Norris (University of Sheffield, Department of Sociological Studies, Deputy Director of the Centre for Criminological Research)

- Barry Hugill (spokesman for LIBERTY, Britain's largest civil rights organisation)

- Andy Trotter (Deputy Chief Constable British Transport Police)

- Professor Lars Mosesson (Solent University, Southampton, Law Institute)

- Mark Smith (Public CCTV Manager, Southampton)

- Dr. Hans Zeger (Austria's leading data protection officer)

- Robert Rotfier (Austrian journalist and musician, living in the UK since 1997)

- Paul Smith (Chairman of the UK's Safe-Speed-Campaign)

- James Morris (CEO of Shoreditch Digital Bridge, offers residents of the London Borough of Hackney access to public CCTV cameras in the area via their TVs)

- Robert Gifford (Executive Director of the UK's Parliamentary Advisory Council on Transport Safety, PACTS)

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