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NuLabour ASBOids

Siôn Simon Labour MP for Birmingham, Erdington has managed to add another bit of NuLabour NuSpeak into Hansard.

Speaking during the Home Office Questions, just before the Pre-Budget Statement, he managed to make several references to ASBOid or ASBOids

This new expression, presumably for "hooligan", "feckless youth", "yobs" etc. seems to refer to those people who have been served with the increasingly controversial Anti-Social Behavior Orders.

Since there does not appear to be any evidence that any of the youths who were riding the controversial mini-motorbikes, were subject to an ASBO specifically proohibiting them from doing so, or even to any sort of ASBO whatsoever, the use of the expression shows a certain contempt by NuLabour politicians for their constituents, especially since Anti-Social Behiiour Orders have been applied so arbitrarily up and down the country, as documented by the AsboConcern website.

UPDATE: Another NuLabour MP, the political blog pioneer (until he became a junior Government Whip) Tom Watson now seems to have belatedly latched on to the expression.

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