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We will NOT be publishing the "Bush / Blair / Al Jazeera memo"

We doubt if Boris Johnson, or any other media publisher in the UK or any blogger will actually publish the alleged "Bush / Blair / Al Jazeera Memo". Before anybody starts emailing all and sundry with copies of any alleged Memo, please check that it is not a hoax infected with a computer virus etc.!

Some questions for the media and for bloggers who are claiming that they would be willing to publish thiis secret document, if it magically fell into their hands, despite the risk of prosecution under the Official Secrets Act 1989 etc.:

  1. How easy are you making it for some anonymous insider whistleblower source to actually send you any such leaked Memos ?

  2. Do you publish your Email Address ?

  3. Do you publish , for example, a PGP Public Encryption key like ours ?

  4. Do you publish a Telephone or Mobile Phone Number ?

  5. Do you publish a Fax number ?

  6. Do you publish your Postal Address ?

  7. How will you be able to tell if the person on the other end of a phone, email, fax etc., willing to meet you in a Pub, to discuss publication of the Memo, is genuine, and is not a fraudster or an agent provocateur ?

  8. How exactly are you planning to authenticate any such memo which "just happens" to be sent to you ?

  9. How will you protect your whistleblower source from discovery and prosecution ?

  10. Why would any insider whistleblower who did have access to such information actually give you an exclusive story, rather than calling an open press conference, if they plan to take a principlied stand in public ?

  11. Will you remember to inspect the alleged memo for meta data if it is in, say, Microsoft Word .doc format e.g. Author name etc. ?

  12. Will you check such a Word document in case an old version of Word has been used, which betrays a GUID with an embedded MAC or IP address in it ?

  13. WIll you remember to copy any poorly censored portions from an Adobe .pdf into a text editor to reveal the underlying hidden text ?

BlairWatch has a useful summary of the story and a list of people who have signed up to the plan. There is even a Campaign Button:

We will not be publishing any fake memos or even any "genuine" ones released as part of some NuLabour spin and disinformation campaign.attempt to "manage" this news story.

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