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Free Cyder :-)

I asked the Boss to phone me next time they want to give away money :-)

42 kilos later or 6 and a half stone in weight later, I ended up with ?28.00 worth of Cyder :-)

So off to the till I go and tried it out, lo and behold it worked ? .....

Hello Everyone,
There has not been much to blog for the last few days,

But, yesterday I went to Sainsburys to get some bits and pieces and checked the sell by cabinet and one of the Bosses is offering me a couple of packs of mince, priced "Was ?3.99 with one free" reduced to ?1.50 per pack, a total of 99p off,which he says will cost me nothing and will get me 98 pence of my shopping bill ???

So off to the till I go and tried it out, lo and behold it worked ?
I had a loaf of bread and a carton of milk and they owed me 1P.

So I go back to the guy and said How Why etc ?
He reckoned that as the items are promotional they get ?4.00 from the manufacturers per special going through the till but if they have to throw them away they get nothing....
So they lose ?1.00 but gain ?3.00...

I asked if there was any limit to how many an individual could have and he said no, take the lot if want as there is a lot of them and they need to get rid of them today.

42 kilos later or 6 and a half stone in weight later, I ended up with ?28.00 worth of Cyder :-)
I think that nearly everyone in my street was cooking mince one way or another last night...plus a lot of happy dogs, cats, foxes and birds got fed, what was left went out with the rubbish last night.

Thanks Sainsburys,

Thats about all thats happening at the moment....but don`t worry as soon as there is something worth posting it will go up.

The Reverend Rat +:-)

Ps, I asked the Boss to phone me next time they want to give away money :-)