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Gary McKinnon Appeal Court date set for Tuesday February 13th 2007 - 3pm Court No. 1 - Royal Courts of Justice

It seems that Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th February 2007 are the dates set for Gary McKinnon's case to start to be heard in the Court of Appeal in London.

See The Register


There was a power failure which affected the Royal Courts of Justice, in the Strand (see this location map) on Monday, but currently, according to Gary's family and the official UK Courts Service Cause List:


Tuesday 13 February, 2007
Not before 3 o'clock
CO/5897/2006 Mckinnon v And Others


leve the guy alone,wots he done wrong,the internet is for pepole like him,THE GOVERMENT SHOULD HAVE MADE SURE NO ONE COULD HACK THEM

About time too! All the best, Gary. You have the support of so very many people in the UK.

It seems to me that the government offices he hacked into had very poor security. They should hire him rather than jail him.
And what is all the secret stuff on UFOs and non-terrestrial officers? What happened to freedom of information and why are we the public not informed of such knowledge? Gary should be applauded not jailed, he did nothing for personal gain, he was only seeking information.

if he goes to jail, then we're all "Solos" on the internet.

Good luck.

Gary has done a great service for the U.S. by exposing in a friendly way the serious security flaws in systems which by law were to have been highly secure.
Gary has done no harm to any database or machine operating in the U.S. by the U.S. government.
It is time this good citizen was relieved of this sword of Damacles which has dangled above his head for so long.
I further think that he should be well and fully compensated monetarily for the stress and mental anguish this has brought to him, not to mention the breakup of relationships, or the wearing of a "scarlet letter".
Gary is a young man of integrity and and has acted to harm none.
He must be set free, and any black hearted traitor who would act to have him sent from his own country to face completely spurious charges in a fully hostile arena which has in recent years shown itself to be a lawless and vindictive state, shoulld be publicly tarred, feathered and then hung.

Other then giving moral support to Gary is there anything folks in the U.S.
can do to help this fellow. I will contact my gov. but as with most things I will be ignored. I AM HOWEVER A REAL PAIN IN THEIR ASS WHEN I GET ROLLING.

Good luck from Australia Gary. Us "solos" need to stick together @ some point.

Keep on singing mate!

-Aeger Dolus/Sydney City

Gary, you're in the fight of your life. I hope that you can find inspiration in your ancestors', Clann Mac Kinnon, fight for their lives against a foreign power. Against all odds, they and their ancestors prevailed, not just in their minds, but in fact. They never gave up. Check out my web-site on Treun-mhor\Gaidheal-cathach-gus at


for a story that you've never read about perservering in the face of insurmountable odds. The day after the U.S. Congress sent the "Alien Enemy Combatants" bill to President Bush, I e-mailed the Pentagon declaring me to be an Enemy Combatant. A week ago, the Department of Veterans' Affairs cut off, in violation of its regulations, my Compensation pay for a service connected disability. Guess what, I'm still refusing to co-operate and am getting by.

We wouldn't be here today if our ancestors gave way in the face of superior force.


I spended half-night while reading info and watching http://www.americanantigravity.com/blogs/51/Gary-McKinnon-Video.html

Garry, i am sure that there was no damage done and these U.S. companies realy want to keep in secret what you seen when entered military systems and calm you down. And it is their fault anyway, people never should leave default passwords and MS Windows operating in organizations like that - that is true hole what they made and how you got in.

If UK goverment will fail to keep you in country there are international law organisations which will surely will be against what U.S. are trying to do for you.

By the way, i am open minded man too and i believe that technology which is researched secret projects is already like 100+ years forward but is missused for military purposes. Btw, i believe of possibility to convert electric field into gravity field(because i understand what Enshtein tried to show in Unified Field theory) and probably U.S. military secret projects researched that like 20 years ago.

Greetings from Lithuanian IT security professional :)

i am ashamed to say that i forgot about garry and the disgusting way that he has been treated by the us authorities and his own ipotent pathetic government.
i thought it had been sorted by now,bring him to trial and let him free, anyone with basic computer knowledge could have got information in this sphere, the only reason he has NOT been brought to trial is as usual the usa have got nothing but their own inadequecies and embarasment to throw at this guy its about time this british government stood up for what is morally right instead of shaming its people by panering to these gungho warmongering bullies

Goodluck gary, fuck the government!

This is what he gets, this is what he DESERVES for hacking into a HONEYPOT!!!

Blank passwords and ufo's indeed, stupid fucking idiot.

Just because the safe is open doesn't make it legal to steal the money. Just because your window is open doesn't make it legal for someone to jump in. Just because the computer is unsecure doesn't make it legal to hack it. Do your time gary and take responsibility for your actions.

So its ok for the government to lie to our faces but its not ok to seek the truth? Even if its by any means nessesary. Fight for freedom gary as we are doing here in everyday life.

@ steven - are you doubting that the US Military could be stupid enough to have left so many Microsoft NT machines with the default local systems administrator password ?

They have never denied that this is so.

Honeypots are only used for intelligence gathering, not for entrapment - if you admit to faking the IP addresses and other characteristics of a honeypot machine, that blows away any chance you have of legally proving a linking between remote ISP logfiles etc. to the alleged hacker.

There was no honeypot.

@ Ken - the issue is not whether Gary is willing to face a fair trial, and to serve a prison sentence if convicted. The issue is whether that trial should be in the UK or in the USA, and whether such a fair trial is even at all possible in the USA in this case.

You have our support.

2007 WILL be the year of the biggest "wake up call" this planet has ever experienced.

David (UK)

good luck gary!

jailing you? ha i agree they should be hiring you!

you got my support and many other!


good luck gary fuck the system
lying bastards

good luck to ya mate. this is about seeking truth what you done is fantastic fuck em

What he says is the truth and Americas secret cash-taking from the middle-east the next to be spread. We're on to you DSA.

The true is truly laying in what Gary saw. Not what the US government said about what he did. Do we still all believe that technology should be hided from us all in the name of security? Or only some leaders have a plan for our future to hide from us all?. Fear is what keep Mankind from Unity and what make States in the world to arm themselves in the name of protection. 'Capital & Interest?'.
Do the UK really need Weapons of mass destruction for it's defence? We all know that nothing can save mankind if ever a singles of these weapons are to be ever used again. Undoubtedly generating the domino effect. Mankind psyche and collective consciousness and its shadow create its own fear this is truly what we should be worrying about. Please be The (UK) and all of you supporting these line the first country in the world to get rid of it's weapons of mass destruction as an example for the rest of the world. Un-Arm now to avoid our probable extinction.

This country always bends over and takes it up the poo pipe like a goodun for the US. Hope it works out for ya fella. HOPE being the keyword, but you need somthing to beleive in, and it definatley aint our goverment. So good luck mate.

Saw this today and thought of you guys:
Maybe I'm asking the obvious, but have you tried using FOIA requests to get release of information regarding the extent of damage actually caused in Garry's case. Had I not seen the above, I wouldn't have thought about it, as I would have assumed such information would be classified beyond FOIA limits, but if they apply to Dept. of Homeland Security then it may be the same for the Depts in Garry's case. Just an idea.


@ Ernst - surely there is an FOI exemption for any current or pending court cases ?

If there had been a proper trial in the UK, then the defence lawyers would have been entitled to see this evidence , and to challenge its validity, or, say, the exaggerated claims of financial damage.

No such evidence, as opposed to unsubstantiated allegations or "information", is examined by the courts in the dubious "fast track" extradition process under the Extradition Act 2003.

It should be apparent by now that the Gary will not be extradited. Others have been fast-tracked to the US gulag. But Gary's case is dragging on. Why, because the Gary is a huge embarrassment for the US police state. The authoriites are taking whatever time is necessary to find an excuse to drop the extradition. Also, some patriots in the British establishment, in particular Intelligence, are using Gary's penetration to pressure the neo-Nazi US government.

Everything bad about capitalism, mono-theism, and America came to fruition under Emperor Bush. Thinking people around the world are doing what they can to stop the last dictatorship that is America, that is preventing a better civilization.

Gary has friends in high places and he is winning.

What galls me the most is that a retired U.S. Army officer in his book: THE DAY AFTER ROSWEL, brags about the murder by Men in Black, US government agents, of a U.S. citizen who resided in that city for doing what Gary is doing, talking about what he saw. If you didn't know, there's no statute of limitations on murder. But the US district attorney nor any local authority is investigating.

This means that Gary's life is in danger, in the US. I personally believe, based upon what's known about US Intellegence Agencies, that his life is in danger in London. Let's hope that the idiots in the American government find their excuse to drop the extradition, soon.


@ Eochaidh - I hope you are right about the US authorities looking for an excuse to drop the extradition, but there is no sign of the United Kingdom authorities dropping the case, the Kafkauesque "more than my job's worth" bureaucracy of the British legal system grinds on regardless

I hope you are wrong about the threat to Gary's life.

Hopefully the large amount of mainstream media interest in his case might reduce that threat somewhat.

There is support for Gary throughout the entirety of the UK. We will never forget, nor forgive those responsible.

The internet should be handled like automobile insurance. If you have a crash - oh well - your fault for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, noone is treated like a criminal. You just pay for repairs (in the case of liability), your insurance goes up, and you move on. I happen to think that if you drink and drive (example us military lack of security) you should expect a crash and suck it up...

Making a fool of the US military in these paranoid times has got to be a monumentally bad idea. But I sympathise with the reasons he had for doing what he did, and one in the eye for the ragingly imperialist US government gets my vote.

70 years in a foreign prison on trumped up charges is ludicrous. He's a British citizen. He's entitled to a fair hearing here.

All the Yanks want is revenge!!
If they use a silly, insecure operating system with default passwords, then it is their fault. IF I did any hacking into those sort of sites I would not do it from my own place where the ip numbers can be traced.

A good judge of a civilized society is how they treat their prisioners.

Free that person he has suffered enough, no more USA false imprisonment of foreign citizens!

Is anyone organising a protest/rally/picket line on the day of Gary's appeal? I would very much like to show my support to Gary, His family and friends. The Pentagon has a history of false imprisionment and coverups. Guantanamo bay is proof enough.

I have been watching what the Americans and British have done to their own people recently, (http://www.question911.com/linksall.htm). Gary you are going to be well stitched-up, however, I think the US and UK governments have too much pressure on and want you case to disappear.
Governments are elected by the people and controlled by multi cooperation’s. The only way we can change this is by, stop being sheep, lets take back control of our destinies, wake up and start organising ourselves into pressure groups and asking the right questions. Fools are more interested in political correctness to be really interested in the real hidden agendas of our governments.
Governments work for the people; information held by governments is democratically ours.
Lets organise and bring the truth into the public arena. Gary is being forgotten; it is only sites like this one that are keeping his hopes alive.

Let me hear your comments on the best way forward.


The whole world is supporting you gary, Fight for your right to know the truth. We have all grown up in a world filled with lies deceit and disinformation! fuck the mainstream media and government! fuck the illuminati & the masonic NWO agenda! a revolution is soon to come...

Good luck Gary. I really wish you the best!
Your sincerly,

This is what he gets, this is what he DESERVES for hacking into a HONEYPOT!!!

Blank passwords and ufo's indeed, stupid fucking idiot.


I just read an interview he did after he got arrested - this guy is a fucking moron...

@ "admin" - there was no "honeypot" - Gary and others, seem to have had access to the US Military systems for over 2 years.

You do not appear to be aware of the legal implications of trying to prosecute someone with fake "honeypot" evidence, which would totally discredit any claims about "a million dollars in financial damage" which Gary is accused of.

Gary's claims about the negligent lack of any passwords or internet firewalls on thousands of US Military systems at the time, have never been denied by the US authorities.

We have also told Gary that he was an idiot, and he has publicly stated that his actions were stupid and should not be emulated,

However, the wider legal extradition process and political aspects of this case have moved on from simple "computer hacking".

If the US goverment think they have a problem with hackers NOW then wait and see what happens when he's extradited.

free, libero subito!! ,from italy

all the best gary!!!

If ever there was a case for Judge John Deed, this is it.
John Reid's an ignorant twat. Steven Wright is wrong. Bush will burn in Hell.Best wishes to you Gary.

this is bullshit they are just angry because he is releasing all the information that they illegally hid from the world for about 60 years. i think we need someone to tell the aliens to just land so we can put my us govt in its right place. they should give him max a year or two in jail not 60. this shows they really have something to hide


As soon as your born they make you feel small,
By giving you no time instead of it all,
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
They hurt you at home and they hit you at school,
They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool,
Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years,
Then they expect you to pick a career,
When you can't really function you're so full of fear,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV,
And you think you're so clever and classless and free,
But you're still fucking peasents as far as I can see,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
There's room at the top they are telling you still,
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill,
If you want to be like the folks on the hill,
A working class hero is something to be.
A working class hero is something to be.
If you want to be a hero well just follow me,
If you want to be a hero well just follow me.

Fear does not equal respect.

Maybe Bush and Tiny Blair, who attempt to rule the world through the imposition of fear, might one day realise that a little compassion goes a long way in winning respect.
Respect has to be earned, not imposed.

Free Gary!!!


I don't get this campaign. I work in the IT industry and hacking to cause damage with intent is wrong. No argument, no justification. The argument put forward by many that organisations should protect themselves is akin to saying it is your fault for being mugged, having your house burgled, car stolen or any other personal crime committed against you. If somebody commits a crime in another country then they should face extradition. Hacking and causing damage to an IT system in another country IS committing a crime in that country. As long as the extradition process is fair and just then I can not see that Gary has any complaint.

keefy he did not cause any "damage", why won't they release any evidence of the "damamge" he did, the damage figures have been inflated. Beside the point to cause damage was not Gary's intent, Gary was simply after the truth and i think he found it to some extent, props to him for it. The general public is kept in the dark about so many things.

@ keefy - what are you unclear about ?

I don't get this campaign. I work in the IT industry and hacking to cause damage with intent is wrong.

That is not what Gary has admitted to.

No argument, no justification.

That is a very binary opinion, with no shades of grey - real life is not like that.

The argument put forward by many that organisations should protect themselves is akin to saying it is your fault for being mugged, having your house burgled, car stolen or any other personal crime committed against you.

There are long established principles regarding culpability and negligence, in determining the severity of an alleged crime.

Try convincing your insurance company that you have sustained a million dollars in financial damage in say a burglary, without providing any prima facie evidence as to the the amount of damage, only untested claims or allegations.

Try convincing them to pay out if you overinflate the alleged financial value of the items damaged or stolen.

Try convincing them to pay out on such a burglary, if you have not locked any of your doors or windows, even though you could and should have done so, as part of your standard operating procedures.

The US military systems in question had no passwords or internet firewalls. Anyone can make a mistake, but the supposed security audit management procedures failed to detect the misconfigurations for over 2 years.

If you work in the IT industry, you must realise how negligent this would be even for a home internet user, let alone for military systems.

Gary is facing 60 to 70 years in prison in the USA, i.e. longer than any UK mass murderer or terrorist, for alleged crimes, for which he might have spent at most, few months or a couple of years if convicted, in a UK prison.

If somebody commits a crime in another country then they should face extradition.

That is not how the principles of international extradition law work.

There are plenty of minor crimes which are far better to dealt with in the country where the alleged criminals have actually been arrested, even if there is an international element to their alleged crimes.

Hacking and causing damage to an IT system in another country IS committing a crime in that country.

Yes, but is is also a crime in the United Kingdom. Are you saying that we should cede our national sovereignty to other countries, in preference to our own legal system ?

As long as the extradition process is fair and just then I can not see that Gary has any complaint.

That is the main point about the Gary McKinnon case now, the extradition process to the USA is not fair.

His lawyers have not been allowed to refute some of the ludicrous claims about the alleged nearly a million dollars of financial damage, because the whole "fast track" Extradition Act 2003 process now forbids examination of even prima facie evidence in a British Court.

Many other countries do not allow their nationals to be extradited overseas at all, but try them at home.

No other country in the world (except for Ireland, where there is an extra proportionality test by a Judge) allows the USA to extradite people without prima facie evidence.

However, the USA demands prima facie evidence if the UK Government wants to extradite someone from the USA.

The former UK-USA extradition arrangements, which were in force when Gary was arrested in 2002 did mean that a UK Court could sanity check the prima facie evidence presented to it.

That does not mean a full trial, but an examination of the reasonableness of the evidence e.g. of the amount of alleged financial damage.

This was changed in 2003 in the Extradition Act 2003, which has been applied retrospectively

Nobody, apart from the increasingly repressive Labour Government, not even the US authorities, thinks that this is a fair extradition process, it favours the USA at the expense of the rights of UK citizens.

There have been several debates in Parliament, with all the Opposition parties protesting and voting against the unfairness of this peculiar new US-UK extradition process.

Well said fg. Maybe keefy should take a break from his computer, take a deep breath of air that's now filled with fear and discontent with a country that insists on siding with the US, a country hell bent on making most of the world its enemy. For you Gary all we can offer is hope, but as Mohandas K. Gandhi said:

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.

UK haxors!

Show your support by turning up at the Court of Appeal in London on Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th February.

The media are sure to be there, make sure you are too!

this looks like a very heavy price to pay for a very small mistakes, but that is nis nothing new on the point of view of the american justice system, probably the most unfair in the world , ruled by money like everything else in the country
good luck from france mate !!



good luck mate - the truth will always come out in the end
the world needs more people like you

Typical Americans trying to rule the world, leave him alone he did u a service nt a diservice

Times counting down, goodluck and godbless.

"The ends justify the means;
no, The ends is bullshit. The means is what you live with."

Thankyou for filling in the missing pieces!

It is inevitable that you were going to be caught whether it was fate or just bad luck. However, life isn't all what it seems to be and I have no doubt that you have seen more than you are saying and indeed that you will understand a hell of alot more when they extradite you.

The 'people' in power are slowly losing control of the whole 'E.T' thing, it appears that communications are breaking down and that there are others that wish to introduce themselves. Very soon we will experience the changes that will restructure the face of our societies and world as we know it!.

Dear Halo9:

MOV AH,0F ; are we on the
INT 10 ; the same page
MOV CX,AX ; "All the Way"
MOV DL,00 ; The journey
MOV DH,00 ; starts with
MOV AH,02 ; the first
INT 10 : step
INT 10 ; Do it! Do it!
; Do it, now!

"If the US goverment think they have a problem with hackers NOW then wait and see what happens when he's extradited."

"Posted by: Halo9 | February 2, 2007 05:49 PM"

Just do it Halo9 - do it now - what are you waiting for. Was it Neville Chamberlain who said "We'll let the Nazis have the Sudantenland." "Oops, if they don't stop with Poland, then we'll do something." "Dear me, do we really want to get all worked up over Austria?" "Russia, you've got to be kidding."

Tigers can't change their stripes. Would you ever share a room with a rehabilitated serial rapist? America is a police state and it is run by neo-Nazis.

Check it out, if the Caledonians and Maeatae


had waited for the next Roman outrage, all of Western Europe would be speaking Latin and Gary's last name would not be McKinnon.

Halo9, are you related to Steven or just sharing the same planet?

would you leave your front door open and if so would you not expect people to walk in ??? if the secuirity is that poor then wot do you expect a child could get in ? if you wont to stop hacking then give him a job.

this is absolutely disgusting!! You can't can't even call it hacking if there are no passwords. The intelligent thing to do is to employ him as security expert as nasa seems not to have any of those.

Fancy turning up tommorrow here's the details
Tuesday 13 February, 2007
Not before 3 o'clock
CO/5897/2006 Mckinnon v And Others
Administrative Court Office, The Royal Courts of Justice, The Strand, London WC2A 2LL

Dear Eochaidh "Honey Bear" OghaChruithne,

What the fuck are you smoking?

anybody got an update yet?

Infoworld in Canada seem to have the first report online:

UK hacker extradition appeal

The report is a bit negative about Gary not appearing in Court today, but there was no call for him to do so - this is an Appeal Court case for detailed arguments on points of law, not for witness cross examination or having to plead in person.

Perhaps he might be along (to sit in the public gallery) tomorrow


Wednesday 14 February, 2007
At half past 10
CO/5897/2006 Mckinnon v Sshd And Others

Sshd = Secretary of State for the Home Department i.e. Home Secretary John Reid

So what did they cancel it?

also can someone get down there and video him or video something to post on youtube relating this case that might help?
or even another raw interview with Gary for youtube for the fans..

Yesterday Gary was in the metro http://www.metro.co.uk/news/article.html?in_article_id=37316&in_page_id=34
Today the scotsman and the herald.

Why in gods name would any one hook up such critical systems to the internet? I know it started out as a military system that could adjust to loosing nodes, but when it went public the US military had in place for years high tech comm satellites that could handle current and future data transmission for all branches of the armed services. I think this is a bit of a witch hunt because some tit left a hole open thru a unsecured terminal with net access that also had access to encrypted military systems.

"some tit left a hole open"

what you mean the very tit who wanted someone like Gary to find something?
who personnaly fixed it like that because h new if he told anybody directly what was going on he may find himself biult into a wall somewhere?

is that the tit?

What is all this rabble about? If gary boy is innocent then presumably he can prove his case. If not innocent, then presumably he will do the required time. And he will hopefully think the next time he wants to hack. Hell, in US prison, they may even give him a hacksaw so he can really hack around the place.

Dear Halo9:

Gary is my hero == "US foreign policy is akin to government sponsored terrorism these days... I am SOLO. I will continue to disrupt at the highest levels".

Gary is an in your face kind of bloke. What the f___ am I smoking? The Romans\Americans want uniformity. The Great Melting Pot: We're all the same, the same white tunics, the same language - English, the same everything.

Gary is a true Scythian\Celt - wild and in your face. Where do you think those fantastic animal tattoos, bright tartan fabric, and Pictish makeup came from?

That's right, in Spindler's book: THE MAN IN THE ICE, the Scythian with the tattoos was also buried with a hemp pipe. The Wild Irish Celts who had earlier been greatly influenced by the Scythians, supplied their Scottish cousins with not only linen fabric, but also hemp, hence their cousins' name: Picts - until the English severed trade between the Celts of Ulster and Scotland.

Freedom goes all the way back to the Scythians, those same people who's women were warriors wearing loincloths. That's inconceivable to the linear, left brain neo-Nazis who are after Gary. The totalitarian, uniformity-worshipping Americans of the One World Order can not comprehend women wearing loincloths, let alone color.

Hemp gave our ancestors their free outlook on life. I'm not smoking anything. I don't need to. I build upon the past and the examples of others such as Gary. That's why I've left Monochromes behind and am already way out in left field.

I feel sorry for you and Steven who're living in the past where some chemical is needed in order to lift the veil and live with the horror of the modern American world.

@ "US Agent" - in mature western democracies, the prosecution has to prove their case beyond reasonable doubt, the defendant should not have to prove his innocence.

"If gary boy is innocent then presumably he can prove his case."

Presumably you do not believe in "innocent until proven guilty" on the basis of evidence not mere allegations.

Are you some sort of Communist ?

"US Agent" - Please advise your neo nazi bosses that the safest thing for the US to do is put walls up along all borders, cut all incoming/outgoing internet traffik and stay the fuck away from the rest of the Civised world...It's working for North Korea, you hillbilly.

This is rediculous that the USA Government didnt enforce their employees to use a password and nagging UK to extradiate Gary. Gary should have been awarded for pointing USA's security flaws. I am so sad that this country is letting down its own citizen.

it seems to me that if the yanks cant secure there online security well enough they should put there hands up and thank gary for for exposing there falibility. give him a break . they do create sush hatred. num skulls. good luck

Dear fg,

Thanks for the legal angle on part of Gary's dillema. You state: "Speciality" [Returning Gary if the US files additional charges] only applies if it all stays within the civilian legal system. If Presidential Executive Authority, Military Order No.1 etc. are invoked, a la Guantanamo Bay etc. then all that goes out of the window."

I state: under the circumstances of the US continuing to embarrass itself in public in Gary's case, Military Order Number One and Presidential Executive Orders resulting in Gary being sent to Guantanao Bay are impossible and a waste of time for us to consider.

Under the National Security Act and Presidential Executive Orders, US military personel would be allowed to testify falsely under oath at any trial of Gary anywhere. In other words, purjure themselves. Already, Gary's seven count endictment, by not listing the National Security Agency, unlike the other owners of the US government computers listed as being accessed by Gary, allow, under the Act and Executive Orders, the Department of Defense to have its officers not in the NSA, testify on behalf of the NSA. It'll be like my neighbor testifying on my behalf at the trial of the burglar who broke into my house.

In the UK, up until recently, a defendent wouldn't have had to worry about some goverment official lieing under oath just to nail the defendent to the wall (or "fry him" as someone in the US government said). The British government tried to balance the welfare of its citizens with protecting the establishment.

America is different. It's so bad that parents of one child are forced to compete with the parents of other children just in order to feed them and provide adequate medical care and education.

Gary's endictment itself indicates that the US considers Gary's case to be a game and therefore, they can and are doing everything that they can get away with to "beat" him. This obviously included tricking him into accepting a violation of his right to confront witnesses and evidence against him in court as is seen in the opening of the indictment.

If any of those computers at Fort Meade cited in the two counts of Gary's indictment are NSA computers, then the US will have witnesses not from the NSA testify on behalf of the NSA. They'll also purjure themselves if they don't want to answer Gary's attorneys. If Gary is found guilty or pleads guilty to either or both of those two counts, then other rights under US law of Gary, will also be denied him under the Act and Executive Orders which he will then be subject to.

Gary won't have to be returned to the UK under "speciality" because new charges won't have to be filed for the US to do whatever it wants to him, after his conviction on the two counts citing computers at the NSA.

The indictment should be thrown out for violating Gary's Constitutional right to cross exam witnesses.

As everyone should know, the former FBI special agent who improperly made a plea arrangement to Gary on behalf of the US is now working for Microsoft in the UK.

Microsoft was convicted of monopoly practices in Europe and the US. When Microsoft released an early version of DOS without the linker program, thereby making it harder for users to write their own .exe programmes and to compete with Microsoft, Microsoft exposed its plans to take over the world of desktops.

Guess what, we don't need Windows or Vista. DOS still works with Intel chips such as Pentium and with current hardware. Power-users such as Gary and hackers, which Gary is not, have a lot of anger against the unfairness of current desktop computing. So, use DOS.

16 bit Caldera DR-DOS 7.03 is a free download from the Internet and comes with a memory manager (EMM386.EXE) that can access 67 Megabytes of memory. That means that all an intelligent programmer such as Gary has to do is write a DOS memory manager that will access 256 MB - 1 Gigabyte of memory. Because 16 bit Caldera DR-DOS 7.03 with its simple memory manager can access 67 MB - far more than the 16 MB of DPMI and DPMS in Protected Mode - someone who's really p_____d off at the unfairness of it all can write a better memory manager for 16 bit DOS. The only other programme needed to compete with Windows and Vista would be a 32 bit - 64 bit browser that could be used by 16 bit free Caldera DR-DOS 7.03.

Below are the best config.sys and autoexec.bat files for DOS that have ever been written. They're FREE too.

ECHO This D-Configuration System file was
ECHO last up-dated on Tuesday 13 February
ECHO 2007.
ECHO Eochaidh MacDhalaigh OghaChruithne
ECHO Ceann-tighe
ECHO Na Finneachan Gaidhealach
ECHO Na Fardach Cinnidhean
ECHO 1325 South Animas Street
ECHO Lordsburg, New Mexico 88045-2605
ECHO Post Office Box 333
ECHO 401 South Animas Street
ECHO Lordsburg, New Mexico 88045-0333
ECHO Deagh_Cheann_tighe@Yahoo.com
ECHO HTTP://TheGoShinYamaJuJutsu
ECHO andComputerClub.netfirms.com/
ECHO gaidheal.htm

Over 2000 lines of code removed for clarity.

These files may suit your particular machine, but the absence of any anti-virus software checking on startup would not be acceptable to many people, even those still inclined to use a variety of DOS these days

You should have posted a URL link to these files on your own webspace, rather than, hopefully by accident, disrupting this comment thread.


fg - can you please moderate this forum in some way so the retard who wrote the below will get bored and go somewhere else?

ECHO ºsize cursor=sc7,scD,&scF clear º
ECHO ºclear box=cb0-cb7 clear line=cl0-cl7 º
ECHO ºclear page=cp0-cp7 º
ECHO º 4 (40X25) & 8 (80x25) = Main Menus º


Posted by: `Honeybear' The Evil Empire's Nightmare | February 20, 2007 11:42 PM

@ "Honeybear"

As everyone should know, the former FBI special agent who improperly made a plea arrangement to Gary on behalf of the US is now working for Microsoft in the UK.

Do not be so quick to jump to conclusions.

Neither the FBI nor the US Secret Service were involved in the investigation of Gary's activities, even though they have vastly more experience than the various teams of investigators across the various military departments had at the time.

As the FBI Assistant Legal Attache at the US Embassy, who simply act a diplomatic liason betwen US and local law enforcement agencies around the world, he would never have been in a position to actually make or offer any dubious deals himself, only to pass on communications and set up meetings at the US Embassy between the sets of lawyers.

It could even be his testimony which lifted the lid on these shady goings on by US prosecutors.

@ Halo9 - but you wrote that posting "below", so that must mean that...


Dear fg,

Thanks for not threatening me about too much code. I had to find the limit.

You're absolutely right, some government officials deliberately make mistakes in order to expose government crimes.

I'm 52 years old and one of the few absolute truths is "Honesty is the best policy." Some people call this "transparency." The only other "absolute" that I've found is "Do to others what you would have others do to you."

Did you hear Prince Charles' statement about how today many people don't have contact with the earth? I hope Gary takes some long walks on the trails that Britain is famous for providing. I didn't start weight lifting until I was 47 and let's just say that I've handled myself quite well in some angry situations with street fighters half my age. If Gary gets into shape he'll be able to handle the worst case scenario. An American prison will be horrible, but if he develops his endurance with some road work and weight lifting, he'll recover quite nicely from his recent hospital stay.

I wish him the best of luck if he lands in America and I know that he'll survive anything that the neo-Nazi American police state throws at him.

Gary McKinnion was only searching for UFOs and Aliens evidence.

Even I've done that Online and is available for Public already.

If it's on the Internet for Public viewing then it's not meant for Top Secret purposes and therefore allowed to be looked at.

Murderers get less than 70 years in Prison and Hacker Gary McKinnion is getting 70 years just for hacking.

Well that just goes to show what the justice system in the UK is really like.

At least he doesn't murder, nor take us to War and cover up the truth about what really happened saying it's them when not.

There taking so long at their end so they can cover up the truth about UFOs and Aliens before the eximaners for proof of damage get there.

Good luck Gary McKinnion.

Well sending Gary McKinnion to Prison proofs that YOU are trying to hide something about UFOs and things like that.

He's not a criminal. The real criminals are those that take us to War and then lie about it.

Gary's only a Believer and Truth Seeker.

Should be helping us all to be able to realise we can get off this planet and live on other planets if mankind is in danger of exstintion from a dying Earth.

Your a Hero Gary McKinnion.

Good news - fg and Razorblade. At Rense.com is some new evidence that Gary can use about U.S. U.F.O. projects and code names. What Gary stumbled onto is rogue and not subject to Congressional oversight. Therefore, to prosecute Gary will be a violation of his rights under U.S. law. Notice that the information that Gary obtained a little of is not even available to U.S. Presidents. Gary got some of the code names and other classified info that even President can't get.

His solicitors should have a field day showing court, if Gary gets over here, that Gary can't get the evidence that's being used to persecute him or confront witnesses against him, which are violations of his right to a fair trial. I wish I was Gary's lawyer, he'd be on the street today.


"Insiders Expose Reasons
For UFO Secrecy, Coverup,"
11-17-7, WASHINGTON, DC --

"Disclosure Project Director Dr. Steven M. Greer reports that government insiders have revealed the existence of a shadowy, highly classified program related to UFOs."

"The reasons for the secrecy are simple: The inertia of highly classified programs, embarrassment over past illegal actions taken to enforce secrecy, and the fact that the energy and propulsion systems behind the mysterious UFO objects have been studied and fully understood. This disclosure would spell the end for oil, gas, coal and other conventional forms of power - and with that, the end of the current oil-based geopolitical order and economy."

"The full disclosure of the facts will enable humanity to attain a sustainable civilization without global warming or the need for oil."

"Since then, The Disclosure Project has uncovered thousands of official US documents and over 400 top-secret military and corporate witnesses to programs dealing with UFOs, along with project code names and numbers."

"Such operations are rogue and deny access to Congressional oversight committees."

For further information or for an interview with Dr. Greer contact: www.DisclosureProject.org.


This article shocked me. I find the flouting of International law by the US government quite terrifying and it makes a total mockery of our UK justice system and of International Justice systems. Please paste and read and stand up and make your voice heard or our Justice system is doomed.


The article in the link at the bottom of the page shocked me. I find the flouting of International law by the US government quite terrifying and it makes a total mockery of our UK justice system and of International Justice systems. Please paste and read and stand up and make your voice heard or our Justice system is doomed.


News in the Times online Re-Kidnapping British Citizens wanted in the US: The US says it has a right to kidnap British citizens. David Leppard:
AMERICA has told Britain that it can “kidnap” British citizens if they are wanted for crimes in the United States.

A senior lawyer for the American government has told the Court of Appeal in London that kidnapping foreign citizens is permissible under American law because the US Supreme Court has sanctioned it.

The admission will alarm the British business community after the case of the so-called NatWest Three, bankers who were extradited to America on fraud charges. More than a dozen other British executives, including senior managers at British Airways and BAE Systems, are under investigation by the US authorities and could face criminal charges in America.

Until now it was commonly assumed that US law permitted kidnapping only in the “extraordinary rendition” of terrorist suspects.

Related Links
NatWest trio allowed time to pay off debts
The American government has for the first time made it clear in a British court that the law applies to anyone, British or otherwise, suspected of a crime by Washington.


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