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Emails of support for Gary McKinnon

Thanks to everyone who has emailed us with messages of support for Gary McKinnon.

Thanks also those journalists who are trying to make contact with Gary McKinnon, after the publicity of the interview in The Guardian

We have passed these emails on to a friend of Gary's who will print them out and show them to him soon.

It is extraordinary that this cumbersome procedure is needed, but it is a direct result of the unfair and pointless bail conditions imposed on Gary, which forbid him from using a computer connected to the internet.

The only other people in the United Kingdom who are subject to an internet ban, despite not having been charged or convicted of any crimes, may be some (but not all) of the 10 people who are subject to Control Orders under the controversial Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005.

If Gary was going to pose some threat to anyone over the internet, he has had three years or so to do so, without any such restrictions. What exactly do they fear that he might do now ?

An internet ban does nothing to ensure that he turns up at the Extradition hearing on the 27th.

It is , in fact, punishment without trial or conviction.


I just read the ZDNET interview with McKinnon and until that interview I was basically behind him in not being extradited to the States. Then I read this line....

"I wanted to get the trailing documentation to screw the Americans."

Hey Gary - FUCK YOU! I hope they extradite you and stick you in a cell with some Muslim who hates redheaded Limey peices of shit - because maybe he will SCREW YOU!!

You look like a degenerate anyways, so I am sure you will probably like it.

Too bad you weren't in the Tube the other day, the Muslims could have saved me some tax payer dollars that I am sure will come out of my pocket to keep you worthless ass alive in a US prison.

Here's to hoping you get gang raped on the first day in your new home, frigging pooftah!!!

Chris, you really shouldn't believe everything you read in interviews. Gary is in no way anti American and he is sick of journalists printing Anything!!! in order to make money and to get a shocking story.
They don't give a damn about Gary and write what the hell they feel like.
Gary used to go out with a girl from Chicago and spent some time over there. He's a pacifist who cares about people. He's a naieve dreamer, nothing more and knowing Gary as I do, I know he did not make that comment which was attributed to him. He now doesn't know who the hell to trust.


Chris, you really shouldn't believe everything you read in interviews. Gary is in no way anti American and he is sick of journalists printing Anything!!! in order to make money and to get a shocking story.
They don't give a damn about Gary and write what the hell they feel like.
Gary used to go out with a girl from Chicago and spent some time over there. He's a pacifist who cares about people. He's a naieve dreamer, nothing more and knowing Gary as I do, I know he did not make that comment which was attributed to him. He now doesn't know who the hell to trust.


Well Chris, you seem to have forgotten, or never learned, the first rule of internet abuse: don't do it from your employer's computer systems - they might not appreciate having their brand name and professional reputation sullied by association with your ravings.

"We maintain the highest standards of ethical behavior and professional integrity."

Given that your fellow employees have had the decency to publish this message of solidarity and support for the victims of the bomb attacks in London


we forsee dire consequences for your career if we report your internet abuse to them formally.

We therefore feel that it would be appropriate for you to donate some money, say, 20 dollars, to the official London Bombings Relief Charitable Fund


as some small atonement for your insults against British people of all races and religions in this time of national grief.

If we were not feeling so charitable, we would be reporting you for death threats, stirring up racial hatred and supporting the aims of terrorists.

Wouldn't it be ironic if you were to be facing extradition to the United Kingdom ?

The first rule of any internet abuse should be - never type a post when you are pissed off.

Being an American, the constant denigration I see in the media of our Government, be it by the mass media or an individual, has just gotten to be enough. And reading that comment today just pushed the wrong button, if you know what I mean.

But let me clarify something for you - I am by all means 100% in solidarity with the British with regards to what happend in London last week. I spent an extended holiday in Great Britain a few years back and I found the British to be excellent and welcoming people whom I shared many common interests with. I truly meant that as a sarcastic, mean spirited comment directed to Gary specifically - NOT the British people. I sincerely apologize to you and any other Brits I may have offended. I am truly sorry for what those bastards did. (which, IMHO, is all the more reason for Britain and the US to stay the course).

In retrospect, it was an immature and idiotic post. But that is what anger does to you sometimes

FQ - agreed.

Chris - understood

It does, however, illustrate some of the fears that Gary has about getting a fair trial in the USA or about being victimised illegally if he is sent to prison there.

You've just demonstrated the irony. You as an American have free speech, if anyone in the UK had made the same comments as you did towards Gary and your references to the London bombings etc they would be facing extradition for inciting terrorism. Aren't you lucky to live in a country that protects it's citizens.
It's unfortunate that our leaders appear to be so dominated by the US that they hand over UK citizens for potentially life sentences without any evidence having to be provided by the US.
Now don't you think that Americans would be pretty furious at the UK government if it were the other way round? Try and look at the facts and to understand why people are angry when they don't even have the right to free speech without being threatened with extradition to America.
Look at how easily you were angered with very little provocation.
Now what if the US ratifies the treaty and makes
it retrospective? You might be facing the sadistic violence that you wished on Gary but hey I forgot, you're an American and you have the right to free speech.
Think about it!!!


I have had ny doubts about alien presences for a long time, but have always felt the the American government has more power than is healthy. The U.S. is the world's sole superpower and its quite scary to think of all the information from their scietific bodies. I belive that the U.N. should therefore press for the U.S. to reveal all its scientific secrets to them, so that the U.N. rather than the U.S should decide on action.
In specific, I am thinking about the anti-gravity and the energy vacum technologys. It is not in public interest that one country should have acces to all this information. I also belive that all extradition charges should go through the U.N to check that no governments are being bulied in to handing over citizens. I belive Gary has done what many have wished for the U.S. to do for sometime, and that is to improve and follow their disclosure of information laws.

I just spoke to Gary and he told me that he categorically did not make the statement below which was attributed to him.

"I wanted to get the trailing documentation to screw the Americans."

Trouble is that most of the interviews seem to quote something that was never actually said.



I also spoke to Gary. He told me that he finds it very strange that Colin Barker from ZDNET attributed the following comment to Gary "I wanted to get the trailing documentation to screw the Americans." Gary not only never made this comment; he doesn't even know what Colin Barker means by "the trailing documentation.

Colin Barker's question coupled with this comment also implies that Gary was using the internet during this time which he absolutely wasn't.
Gary has not been connected to the internet since March 2002, so what was the point of the 2005 bail conditions banning him from using the internet now? This is the time it would have been of use to him to enable him to email MP's and to accurately put across his side of the story.


Just a quick note from a concerned Brit.

I hope that Gary's extradition hearing fails and the poor fellow is accorded the rights that we Brits hold dear.

IMHO Gary, reading between the lines, made a small cock-up in covering his tracks through a DOD system. If the system administrator had done his job properly, Gary wouldn't have got in there in the first place.

I would only suggest that the 'Sys Admin' should be on trial in the States - NOT Gary!

Finally, I can only wish that Gary's bail conditions are lifted and that he can seek out hidden information once again.

All best wishes


I agree, if the DOD administrators did their job, it would have not been possible for gary (or any one else) to enter into the DOD.Isn't it suppose to be the most secure system ever??.Gary should be tried in England, where he will receive a fair trail.

Wait a minute, are we forgetting that Gary still broke into a Gov't system? Regardless of the fact that the security was weak, it was still a idiotic move on Gary's part to go snooping around in DOD computers. Just cause a store is left unlocked dosen't give anyone the right to go rummaging around the inventory.

THe point is that in the UK he was told he faced community service.
Four or five years is the max. for computer mis-use in the UK. He is British, so why should he serve 70 years in a US jail. That's not our law!
That's the kind of over reaction we expect from the US. Even a murderer serves significantly less time.
Gary is happy to face the time he believed was applicable to that crime.
Making the extradition treaty retrospective is grossly unfair as he obviously would never have dreamed of doing anything that attracted this out of proportion sentence.
He also did the US a huge favour showing up their incredibly bad security. The US generals responsible for internet security should be facing seventy years as we could all have been blown to heaven high if a terrorist had walked in to the open door.

Get Real.Who is the real culprit. The hugely powerful US government who had practically no security, or the joint smoking overgrown school boy who found it so incredibly easy to penetrate their system which was so poorly protected.
He didn't wander into the shop and steal; he wandered into the shop and had a look around.
Seventy years is a sick joke and a huge abuse of power.
Who voted for the UK government? It wasn't Americans, so why is America trying to run our lives and make us face their judicial system.
There are forty peope waiting to be extradited to the US apparently and only 3 are terrorists. Terrorism was supposedly the reason for this unratified Extradition Treaty.


Why is it that all the Americans want to do is as they would say is "pass the buck". I thought the gentlemen in charge of the security sitting on their fat arses & wallets for that matter would & should incure the blame! Instead of trying to extradite Gary, why don't they ask him nicely if he would like to put right their security issues instead of trying to extradite a british citizen to America!!!
Has'nt the real crime been committed by the people paid to keep these systems secure as they have obviously not been doing there jobs.
All the best mate and lets hope they see sense on the 27th July!!!

have you tried applying for refugee status?

Okay everyone I just wanted to say my piece on the subject. I dont know all the facts, but I do see it as this...if he was doing what he did just to find information than I do not consider it a reason to face 70 plus years in prison. I also believe that information should be free, that we should fight against anyone trying to suppress information for the good of the people. If he is to be tried then I do not see the difference between being tried there or here, as in try him in Britian why bring him all the way over here to serve a sentence when he could serve it there. The only reason I see is to make a point, and that reason is not just. But if I was in his position I would have at least tried to get the information out. I believe there is a lot out there that is being controlled by the ruling majority that could help this so called world we live in. What do I know right, but I will agree as a person, not as an American, that if people would stand together in what they believe in we would accomplish alot. So with that if Gary McKinnon only did what he did for information, and harmed none then he has my support and I hope for the best. Keep up the good fight, Greg Leeper

I agree with almost all that you've said Greg but I don't agree that it would be ok for him to be tried in either the US or the UK.
In the UK computer misuse carries a maximum five year sentence.
In America they're threatening to sentence him to seventy years in an American prison.
Way, Way over the top!!!


I would like to add my support to Gary Mckinnon and all those who are presently involved in fighting his extradition. I think it ridiculous and disturbing that someone of his character could be facing 70 years in prison for what was, let’s be honest, a bit of amateur hacking motivated by an interest in extraterrestrial phenomena.
Those who wish to extradite Gary are calling this the 'biggest military computer hack of all time' , now Gary is a clever bloke but lets face it he made blunders in his hacking exploits that would have made a pro hang his head in shame.

No, I think the serious issue here is if Gary, with his limited knowledge of hacking, is capable of such crippling effect on the US military systems what could a real hacker achieve?
I think Gary’s only crime here was to embarrass the systems security personnel of US military.

Good luck Gary.

greetings with peace

i've just spoken with my friend gary and he's doing well in the
it's so mad that the american govt. wants him extradited to a place
like guantamo bay for 70 years of abuse & torture.. him being an
honest,nice, conscious, peaceful guy who wouldn't hurt a fly(he's veggie)

they are trying to use the anti terrorism law.. it's 40 people in
britain at the moment who are awaiting extradition trials.. and they are not terrorists.. the home office. c.clarke defferred another 'hacker extradition case' til sept..
i think its about not knowing which stand to take because of the
climate & politics in london, uk, world right now!

garys first hearing is in bow st. magistrates, 10.30am on wednesday
27/07, you can attend in the public gallery or outside, for support
the outcome of this hearing will set presidency for following cases..

i am just listening to "the interview" on bbc worldwide services, where you can hear gary telling his story..
see details below, go to the interview on bbc worldwide services,or
free gary mckinnon etc.
please check it out and please register your support for him being
judged by the british system rather than the inhumane american system.

your voice will make a difference for him & others
my flatmate & others has written to the house of commons to register
support, andy burnham, mp is responsible for extraditions..

peace & love
from mona

The Interview

Listen to The Interview
Updated weekly at 11:32 GMT on Saturday

This week 'The Interview' talks to the man described by US prosecutors
as "the biggest military computer hack of all time". Briton Gary McKinnon stands accused of breaking and entering into US secret computer systems, causing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of damage, and effectively immobilising the military district of Washington DC for three days in 2002.

He faces charges in the US which could lead to up to 70 years in jail.
Speaking in his first broadcast interview just days before his
extradition hearing, McKinnon considers his own sense of naïve wrong-doing, but also denies causing damage and says he was acting out of "humanitarian" motives.

Dear UK Justice System,

Come to senses and try to avoid tearing down this mans life. Playing around in what appeared to be an unsecured Microsoft network can hardly be called a crime. If somebody snatched my wallet from the dashboard of my unlocked car, I would of course be angry, but again – I should have known better myself...

United Kingdom - United States,
What is the difference these days anyway?
(We here in the rest of Europe miss the old UK)

Let’s hope things work out for him in the end...


It is truly ridiculous for Gary to be extradited under the guise of terrorist activities. The US Government's incompetence in protecting their computers is the issue here and Gary showed them how vulnerable their systems were. He should be praised not hounded. I will be writing to my MP and to the MP responsible for extraditions. Good Luck with the hearing, Gary. Peace, Love and Interdependence.

Gary is accused of Hacking, not terrorist activities. It's because he is alleged to have Hacked into US military computers that he faces seventy years in a US prison.
Nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism. He was searching for evidence of Alien technology.


Here a little post from the Low Countries: It's pathetic to allow Gary to be extradited. The crime was commited in England! If England allows this to happen it would be a lot of negative publicity. Extraditing Terrorists= OK. Extraditing for computercrimes= sick.

Greetings from Holland

I think the focus on Gary as a criminal is way out of line.

The focus needs to be on the fact that the doors were wide open for anyone to access prior to 9/11. That this insecurity was not monitored. Whose responsibility was it to investigate computer security at the time? If a security risk assessment was done then it was not acted upon. So who is responsible for not acting upon it, for not asking for one, for not considering this possibility.

Where were the strategic thinkers? Where were the Risk Assessors? Where were the Intelligencia?

IMHO 70 years is a shut-up sentence. Shut up, throw away the key. Make out Gary is a dangerous hacker who has 'damaged' PCs. Paint him in a dark light because they know that the majority of people don't care about the truth once they've been covered in lies. Rather than admit they had open networks and anyone could have got in. Admit their own failings... not likely.

Hi Gary,

It's a bit much when you and me and people like us display and excercise a natural and healthy curiosity, we are villified. It's bad enough to have the full and anal force of the law making up stories and threatening a British Citizen with extradition, let alone house arrest. But as usual, the most dissapointing aspect is our fellow humans and from some of the responses here, I despair! I agree with you that technology which could vastly improve the human condition is being withheld from the public by those who are supposed to serve the public interest (after all the public PAY them for this service). Worse still, this same technology is being deliberately used to HARM humanity and I find it sickening that the majority are so ignorant because if they excercised their grey matter ever so slightly once in a while, they may wake up to the awful realities behind world events. From some of the comments I've read here, I doubt whether the authorities really need to microchip us - the job of control has already been accomplished. To me, it is unthinkable to extradite a British Citizen to an American Military court (I can hardly bring myself to use the word 'justice' when speaking of the USA judiciary) and shows clearly how far down the rabbit hole Blair has sold the people of this country. As for you ostriches out there with your bums in the air, your number's up and if you can't see the writing on the wall, then you're blind as well as stupid. Do you not consider that we each have a right to know what our money is being spent on? And if we are not being told the truth, that we have a right to find out the truth on behalf of our fellow humans? And do we not have an obligation of honour to support those who risk their liberty on our behalf? Go figure. Good luck to you Gary and thank you for having the courage to be a real human being; curious, questioning and rightly concerned about what is going on down here.





I just heard for this man from one e-magazine from Macedonia.I can`t believe what i read and hear.This is maybe the answer of many questions who suffer many nations and country around this world...Free Gary U American peace of shits...

Lets just face it - all hackers are absolute cunts. Best drown the lot all at once and have done with it. Hey Gary - I hope you get sent to the US and get everything that's coming to you. Cunt.

Chuck, Hackers have achieved a great deal over the past 20 years. Infact without their efforts, you wouldn't have the ability to post such a poisonous, short sighted message for people to see. Shame on you.


Free Gary only thing you getting free is you flight to go rot in federal jail,i hope a big bubba visits you.Think you are so good at hacking i hope they hack you.dont mess with the goverment limmey

Showing our support.

From all of us with free minds and open eyes

Ratification and Entry into Force
1. This Treaty shall be subject to ratification; the instruments of ratification shall be
exchanged as soon as possible.[/b]

They haen't been, though, have they? The UK Government ratified the Treaty but the US has not. Damn Yanks don't keep their word, so couldn't it be argued on appeal that as the US hasn't done their bit, they can fuck off? (In Legalese, of course, not Anglo-Saxon.)

Chris, how could you say such a thing? Gary is probably smarter than you'll ever be.
Besides I’m sick of them stupid Yanks keeping secrets as they do. They are being to harsh, They should see the exploitations as a wake up call for US systems and showing they are insecure.
Anyways, Gary if you do read this i wish you god speed.
Americans cant accept that British are just simply better..:P (joke)

I bet everyone NASA has not told us what they know.
we all want to know we are not less than them we are all humans we deserve a right to be told the truth.
Maybe Hacking them wouldn't of happened if they released information they know. If they see something on Mars they wouldn't tell us. just like the Aliens civilization on the moon it was destroyed with nuclear weapons. So No one will know! what is that? Wow i never knew that aliens and ufos were meant for secrecy, NO!!!! RELEASE THE TRUTH. >:|

Hi all,

The date is now the third of October and I havent been able to find a conclusion of of the trials of Gary, or even where is facing them.

I would really appreciate it if someone could let me know the current state of affairs of this situation.

Thank you,


@ charlie - Gary McKinnon is still in legal limbo here in the UK, awaiting his High Court appeal about the decsison to extradite him, for which there is no set date.

There could be a decison tomorrow, or after Christmas.

N.B. the High Court judges will be onlyconsidering points of law i.e. within the parameters of the wretched Extradition Act 2003, without a jury.

They might call for background informatuion, and they may well hear legal arguments from the defence, but there is still no opportunity for the defence to challenge any of the dubious allegations, or to cross examine any witnesses about, for example, the vastly inflated claims of financial damage that Gary is alleged to have caused.

Would it be too cynical to suggest that the US Government will try to delay the decison until after the November mid-term elections ?

Hi Gary,

The bottomline is you committed a crime and now you are paying the price for a STUPID act, which after 9/11 is ever more stupid, knowing how sensitive the Amercians are at that time. I am sorry but I understand your fears.concerns and anxiety attacks with concern to Amercian jails, but ONE POINT has been lose in all of this, YOU COMITTED A CRIME IN USA not Great Britian.

As such you should stand trial in USA, you can get all the anxiety attacks, you like, but you should have thought of what may happen if you got caught.

EGO can make us do stupid things and you did a real stupid thing.

Now people have to waste their time trying to help you instead of focusing on innocent people with real injustice due to legal system

If you do the crime PAY THE TIME!


It's My understanding that Gary was in the UK when he accessed the US Governments computers. While the crime may be against the USA it was carried out in the UK and should be dealt with by the UK legal system..

@ all the ignorant angry American posters.
Open your eyes people and see how much the world distrusts your country because of the attitudes you show. Learn to admit when you are in the wrong rather than demonising and attacking others.

Keep the faith brother the world is watching and will judge both the UK and the USA for the way you are treated.

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