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FIPR Advisory Council emails intercepted or leaked to Labour politicians ?

We had noticed some of this, but Ian Brown highlights 3 examples from Hansard,where Labour politicians have been trying to smear Ross Anderson, the Professor of Security Engineering at Cambridge University, a prominent independent critic of the massive National Health Service computerisation system:

How is govt accessing private FIPR e-mail?

Interestingly, Ian Brown says that these emails are to the Advisory Council of the the Foundation for Information Policy Research, of which he is a member.

Have these emails been illegally intercepted ?

Former health minister Lord Warner and Andrew Miller MP may need to be reminded that unlawful interception of emails is illegal under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, an offence which carries a penalty of up to 2 years in prison, and is not covered by Parliamentary privilege, which protects Members of Parliament from libel actions for what they say in debates in Parliament.

Presumably these Labour politicians are trying to dismiss technically informed criticism of their hugely expensive "big nanny" IT scheme in the same way that their former Home Office colleagues tried to do with Simon Davies, of Privacy International, who is also on this Advisory Council ? Is it a coincidence that Andy Burnham was one of the chief culprits at the Home Office, and is now a Health Minister ?

Will our emails also be abused by Labour politicians ?

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