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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, Peace on Earth, Goodwill to all, from Spy Blog.

Here is a tip, which may earn you kudos and gratitude from your family, friends or workmates, whose computer keyboards appear to be playing up, following installation of the "must have for Xmas" computer accessory, the USB Hamster Wheel.

If "normal" typing operations appear to be crippled, check your WIndows XP Control Panel / Accessibility Options / FilterKeys.

If the FilterKeys option has been checked to be on by default, it may well be set to deliberately

  • Ignore repeated keystrokes
  • Ignore quick keystrokes and slow the repeat rate

If enabled, the default Keyboard Shortcut to invoke this behaviour is to hold down the Right Shift Key for 8 seconds.

This is not usually something which is likely to happen normally, but it is much more likely to happen when people are playing with the USB Hamster Wheel .


Thanks for all your work in 2006.

"USB Hamster Wheel" Gawd Gimmee Strength!!!
Thanks for all your efforts and eagle eye wtwu.
I'll be watching you in '07.

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