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Gordon Brown's "security" speech - aaargh !

Gordon Brown's speech on security, terrorist finance etc. is scaring us, despite his brief mention of alleged civil liberties protections.

An annual report to Parliament is nowhere near sufficient to reassure us about 90 day detention without charge.

He seems to be planning to further increase state snooping and surveillance and arbitrary powers to freeze financial assets, simply based on unchallengable "secret intelligence", rather than actual evidence.

He has not mentioned the SWIFT scandal, which rather hints that he may be complicit in it.

He has already repeated a few of his previous canards from his RUSI speech in February, and other standard NuLabour spin about "identity theft" and "biometrics" etc.

He seems to be as ignorant about the technology and the practical and civil liberties issues about ID Cards and Biometrics as Tony Blair is.

We will try to analyse this lengthy speech when it is available online.

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