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Send your views on the UK Terrorism laws to Lord Carlile of Berriew

Lord Carlile of Berriew Q.C is the independent reviewer of the complicated Terrorism legislation in the UK.

Thanks to David Mery for pointing us to Lord Carlile's latest annual report:

Report on the operation in 2005 of the Terrorism Act 2000 (66 page .pdf)

This is worth reading, although the media have only picked up on his call for more Customs & Excise officers to be on duty at UK ports and airports and for the better scrutiny of private executive jets etc. ("General Aviation").

The fact that only £9,318 of allegedly terrorist cash was seized in 2005 under the Terrorism Act 2000, seems to emphasise Gordon Brown's failures to clamp down on terrorist finances, as shown by his "I am not just the Chancellor, I have experience of secret anti-terrorism stuff as well, therefore I should become Prime Minister" speech to the Royal United Services Institute in February, which seemed to threaten a whole new level of secret snooping on the world's financial systems, on a similar scale to the WW2 "Enigma" cryptanalysis efforts at Bletchley Park.

Lord Carlile would like some information from the general Public, as well as from the Government and security authority vested interests:

However, there is a steady increase in the number of informal contacts and suggestions I receive from members of the public. They are sometimes of real value, and I welcome them all.

I do not offer any kind of appeal procedure for individual cases. However, I do read some documents referring to individual cases, and I do ask questions about them and can offer advice and comments. I am particularly anxious to obtain the assistance of more members of the public who have had some contact with the TA2000, whether as observers, witnesses, persons made subject to powers given under the Act or as terrorist suspects. It is not always as easy as one would wish to make contact with those who have had these real-life experiences.

Anyone wishing to provide me with information is very welcome to do so by writing to me at the House of Lords, London SW1A 0PW or sending me information via the Internet on carlileqc@aol.com.

Lord Carlile is also working on a review of the controversial legal definition of terrorism:

As stated above, the definition of terrorism is itself the subject of a special review that I am conducting currently. I have issued (by advertisement) a call for papers, and have written to many individuals whom I regard as potentially interested parties. I repeat my call for advice on that subject. It should be sent to me at 9-12 Bell Yard, London WC2A 2JR.

The correct form of address is to start your letter with "Dear Lord Carlile"

We will probably write to him regarding our pet peeves with the terrorism legislation:


Info here on proposed government changes to FOI requests

Off topic, I know

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