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David Mery to question Sir Ian Blair about arbitrary arrests of innocents

Do you have confidence in the Home Office or the Metropolitan Police etc. that they are doing their duty to protect us from terrorist enemies, whilst at the same time preserving our freedoms and liberties, which are exactly what the terrorists are trying to destroy ?

We are reminded of our previous blog posting in the wake of last July's bomb attacks in London - ""How many "terrorist suspects" do you know ? How many "terrorist suspects" know you ?"

Will we get any meaningful answers tomorrow morning, when David Mery puts a Question to the controversial Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Sir Ian Blair, at a meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority ?

David Mery's Question:

˜To be a Londoner these days is to feel one is considered guilty until proven innocent. The overreaction of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) to the horrific terrorist attacks of last July has resulted in many innocent Londoners suffering from the long-term effects of having been arbitrarily detained and/or arrested. Another consequence of this worsening policing of London is intimidation, increased mistrust and even fear of the MPS. This has not enhanced our security, to the contrary.

What is the MPA doing to ensure that police powers are more balanced and checked so they are not further abused against innocents Londoners? Is the MPA actively consulting with the innocent Londoners that have been arrested and released without further action? What actions are taken by the MPA so that Londoners can stop being paranoid about which aspect of our behaviour or clothing, or which picture we take will be used as an excuse for detainment, arrest or shooting by the MPS? How does the MPA plan to restore trust in the police?

Strangely, there is already a Proposed Response to theis Question, by the the Chief Executive and Clerk of the Metropolitan Police Authority, which , if rubber stamped by the politicians, seeks to pretend that there is no problem, and that there has been proper public consultation.

We await the media reports of Sir Ian Blair's actual response to the Question with interest.

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