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Identity Cards Bill - Third Reading in the Commons - Ayes:309 - Noes:284

The controversial Identity Cards Bill has survived its Third Reading vote in the House of Commons:

Ayes: 309 - Noes: 284 a NuLabour party majority of just 25.

None of the alleged "concessions" amounted to anything that was not already law under say, the Data Protection Act, with all its legal loopholes for the benefit of the State rather than the individual..

We will examine the List of Shame of those who have voted in this repressive fiasco of a scheme, and wonder just what, if anything, any opposition in the house of Lords might achieve.


Don't forget to include a different, but possibly worse 'list of shame': those 43 MPs who didn't turn up to vote.

@ Robert - Nosemonkey has a thread which examines the 43 MPs who were absent for the Third Reading vote:


John Hemming (Lib Dem) was apparently in hospital.

Of the Conservatives, Peter Lilley was apparently late from a dinner (!).
What were Kenneth Clarke, Anne Widdecombe, Ian Taylor, George Young Michael Gove etc. doing not voting ?

There were 20 Labour MPs including Denis Skinner and Frank Dobson, who did not vote on the Third Reading.

To their credit 25 Labour MPs did vote against the Third Reading.

The Public Whip website has the full list:


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