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Parliament Square protest permission application Pledge

We did warn back in April, that the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act had some controversial clauses, back when it was being whipped through the end of the last Parliament, in the undemocratic, political back room deal "wash up" process, without adequate debate.

The controversial Designated Area around Parliament Square has now been revealed, despite an obvious attempt to "bury the news" by the Government.

No doubt inspired by the NO2ID Pledge, which has clocked up over 3200 pledge signers in only 4 days, Robin Grant from perfect.co.uk has also set up an online Pledge:

""I will apply for authorisation to demonstrate in the vicinity of Parliament every day for a month from 1st August 2005 but only if 50 other responsible citizens will too."

— Robin Grant, responsible citizen

Deadline: 31st July 2005.
3 people have signed up, 47 more needed "


The existance of this "exclusion" zone is completely shameful, especially so because we, the People of this country, have allowed it.

I can't seem to find a definition of "protest" or "demostration" in the Bill or notes on it - does anyone know where the appropriate defs are to be found?

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