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NuLabour seem set to return to power, and so does the disgraced David Blunkett

The depressing General Election campaign seems to be heading for the awful prospect of another NuLabour Government, and a feeble Opposition.

To add further insult, it seems that the disgraced former Home Secretary David Blunkett is set to return to power in the Cabinet, rather than face criminal charges for misuse of public office.

Is it really worth bothering to continue to try to save freedom and democracy for an electorate that seems set to reject it, and slide towards an elected dictatorship ?


Slide? Try leap with open arms...

The election is depressing for the lack of ideas more than anything. We've always had an elected dictatorship and this lots crimes have been no worse than previous administrations. Remeber how Thatcher told people to vote Conservative for the GLC and metropolitan borough councils or else? People did otherwise and those institutions were abolished as punishment.

Watching Them Watching Us - you know it IS worth trying to save our democracy and the somewhat better than expected election result should give us hope that the electorate are not quite as gullible as Neo Labour believes.

Your website is a beacon in this era and if I had it in my power, I would give you an OBE. Maybe you'll settle for a pint? ;)

What English-speaking countries will remain free and democratic?

I think that's becoming the real question very quickly.

The US is getting nearly as frightening. Australia seems to be going the same way.
Canada, or will they knuckle under to the US?
Ireland? New Zealand? South Africa?

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