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NO2ID campaign launched to the public

NO2ID campaign launch banners - click for a larger imageNO2ID campaign banners - "Stop ID cards and the database state" - www.no2id.net

The NO2ID campaign launched itself formally on Saturday, unveiling some visually striking campaign branding.

Philip Chaston has posted a "Libertarian" account of this meeting on the White Rose blog.

It is not just the opponents of the compulsory biometric National Identity Register database and ID Cards that cannot explain exactly what the scheme is intended to accomplish in detail. Even the Labour dominated Home Affairs Select Committee of the House of Commons could not get a straight answer about the actual measurable objectives of the scheme, or even any cost estimates accurate to the nearest £2 billion, out of the Home Office Ministers and Civil Servants from whom they took evidence for their damning report published at the end of July 2004.

Expect to see the NO2ID campaigners lobbying the forthcoming major political party conferences.

The Government should not underestimate the depth of feeling or the technical knowledge and experience of those opposed to their scheme. There is widespread cross party support for this NO2ID campaign, which seems to be growing rapidly as the detailed implications of the Government's scheme start to be discussed in detail.


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» We have lift-off! from infinite ideas machine
Our friends at Spy Blog and White Rose both wrote up the NO2ID public launch on Saturday. WTWU's account, NO2ID campaign launched to the public even has pictures - well, one at least: here. Philip Chaston's, It's the Database, Stupid!... [Read More]

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