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New MI5 website - SSL encryption at last !

It is good to see that the re-vamped MI5 Security Service website (also available in Arabic) has finally got around to making available an SSL/TLS encrypted web contact form, for reporting possible threats against the United Kingdom's National Security.

Immediate threats e.g. a suspicious package or vehicle should be reported via the normal Emergency Services 999 or 112 telephone numbers. Other suspicions can also be reported via the confidential Anti-terrorism Hotline 0800 789 321.

Despite our constructive criticisms of the UK and allied Government security bureaucracies on civil liberties issues, we are not, in any way, supportive of enemies of democracy.

However, we have never been impressed with the requests to send CV's of potential MI5 recruits to external recruitment agencies via unencrypted internet email. Is this some kind of initiative test to weed out those applicants with no clues about confidentiality ?