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BA 223 to be cancelled yet again

Monday 15th February's British Airways flight BA223 from London Heathrow to Washington Dulles airport seems to have been cancelled on "security advice" from the government.


Could someone please explain what conceivable threat or breach of security could there be to BA223, that would not also endanger any other flight from Heathrow ?

If there is a genuine credible threat, which the authorities know about ahead of time, then why does this not also apply to every other flight ? Is Heathrow security really so bad ? Are terrorists incapable of choosing other targets of opportunity ?

If some of the 184 passengers booked on this flight are terrorists suspects, why are they being allowed to re-book onto different flights ?

What are the US and UK security bureaucracies and Government media manipulators playing at, apart from helping terrorists win the "War on Tourism" ?