Tell President-Elect Barack Obama's Transition Team about the damage which putting Gary McKinnon on trial in the USA will do their international reputation

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Barack Obama has won the US Presidential Election, but will not actually become President just yet.

The period between now and the Inauguration Ceremony on the 20th January 2009, in 74 days time, is the Transition period.

Obama's heavy use of the internet, for both fund raising and to communicate with his supporters, has now produced a website called - Office of the President -Elect

This sets out some of the Election Promises, and solicits feedback from the public, both in the USA, and abroad, to help the Transition Team, get their priorities right.

The Election Promises on Homeland Security, especially on Information Systems Security and on Technology are particularly relevant to Gary McKinnon's case.

The Foreign Policy promises, to restore the international reputation and influence of the United States, including with friends and former allies who have been ridden roughshod over by the previous George Bush administration, whose counterproductive policies over the Guantanamo Bay "enemy combatant" concentration camp, "Extraordinary Rendition" overflights and kidnappings, and one sided Extradition to the USA, have insulted the civil judicial systems of the USA and those of allied countries like the United Kingdom.

The website has three web based message feedback forms:

  1. Contact the Transition

  2. An American Moment: Your Vision

    Start right now. Share your vision for what America can be, where President-Elect Obama should lead this country. Where should we start together?

  3. An American Moment: Your Story

    Start right now. Tell us your story in your own words about what this campaign and this election means to you. Share your hopes for an Obama Administration and a government for the people.

Especially if you are you are a USA based supporter of Gary McKinnon, please take the opportunity of using these web message forms, to press the US Government in Transition, not to make utter fools of themselves, by pursuing the counterproductive, and potentially damaging (to US interests) extradition case against him.