Demonstration in support of Gary McKinnon at the Home Office - some reports

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A couple of reports about the demonstration at the Home Office, today, in support of Gary McKinnon, who is facing extradition to the USA:

Press Association (via The Guardian): Hacker 'distraught' at extradition

A "citizen journalist", who lives across the road from the Home Office has uploaded a short video clip to the CNN iReport website: SOLO - Gary McKinnon protest at the British Home Office in London (Flash video, 40 seconds)


Update 3rd September:

Marc Vallée, one of the photo journalists who covered the demonstration, has published some good photos and slideshows of the event on his blog: Gary McKinnon Protest - (02.09.08)

Update: 13th September

A half hour video entitled Gary McKinnon documentary for Edge TV is now available on MySpace TV (Flash required). This documentary in the series "Anarchy on the Airwaves " has interviews by presenter Maz with Lucy, Bruce and Noel , as well as general footage of the demonstration at the Home Office.

Update 17th September:

The video documentary above is now no longer availale on MySpace TV (why ?) and has been uploaded to Google:- Gary McKinnon - The greatest computer hacker of all time? - Anarchy on the airwaves presents a new documentary for Edge TV