The Observer Magazine: Gary McKinnon interview by Stephen Emms

The Observer Magazine has an interview with Gary McKinnon

Some extracts (not the whole thing, for copyright reasons):

Gary McKinnon

Hacker, 41, London

Interview by Stephen Emms
Sunday April 22, 2007
The Observer

I was a man obsessed. I spent two and a half grand in dial-up charges trying to get into the US military systems, eight hours a day, every day, over the course of a year. At first it didn't feel like addiction, but later I wouldn't even bother washing or getting dressed.

Sometimes there were 70 other hackers from around the world looking at the same screen as me. I used to check them out and see IP addresses from Turkey, China, Holland, all over.

Change your password every month. Make it complicated but easy to remember. When I scanned thousands of machines on one particular military network, there were always a few hundred with blank passwords, and once you're on one, you use 'trust' to speak to another.

Towards the end I'd become sloppy. I'd have a six-pack and a few spliffs, and was borderline megalomaniacal.


I was charged seven times, with 10 years' imprisonment on each. The most serious accusation was 'bringing down the entire military network of Washington'.


Hearing that the New Jersey Authorities want to see me 'fry' was like having a 17-tonne hammer waiting to hit me on the head.

I fear going to prison for 60 years. I'm terrified of being raped, and sitting there with paedophiles and murderers.


I believe in UFOs. They were my reason for hacking. As a kid my stepdad would tell me stories of how he saw one in Bonnybridge, near Falkirk, the UFO capital of the world.


I'm a techno-luddite now. I can't access my own email address. Other people do it for me.


My advice to my younger self? Don't hack.

I despaired when I lost my appeal to the High Court, but my final kernel of hope is a possible hearing in the House of Lords. They're a very eclectic bunch. But if they choose not to hear the case, then I'll be extradited within four weeks.
