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Hacking Airplanes - the Next Big Thing?

FAA: Boeing's New 787 May Be Vulnerable to Hacker Attack

Boeing's new 787 Dreamliner passenger jet may have a serious security vulnerability in its onboard computer networks that could allow passengers to access the plane's control systems, according to the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration.

The computer network in the Dreamliner's passenger compartment, designed to give passengers in-flight internet access, is connected to the plane's control, navigation and communication systems, an FAA report reveals.

The revelation is causing concern in security circles because the physical connection of the networks makes the plane's control systems vulnerable to hackers. A more secure design would physically separate the two computer networks. Boeing said it's aware of the issue and has designed a solution it will test shortly.

What Boeing should do it hire in some hackers to do a proper "penetration test" on the networks before allowing passengers anywhere near the thing.

As for the other "technical solutions" which were "proprietary" we all know that this type of "security through obscurity" never works - somewhere in the technical manuals for this plane - which are vital to all the maintenance engineers - there will be enough details to figure it all out.

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