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Put a Necktie on that Pig!

First neckties and now pork - as the lowly swine somehow gets blamed for all mens evils.

Its simple you see - according to the ancient doctrines of some elder religion "if you eat a pig you become like a pig"

I am astonished - I thought all that "macrocosm vs microcosm" stuff went out of fashion ages ago - but apparently not.

Food and drink have direct effect on our health. That is why Allah (the one and only God) has prescribed regulations about our food and drink. Islam lays great emphasis on our physical as well as moral health, because both of these are equally important for a healthy society.

The abstention from eating pork is one of the steps taken by Islam to practise hygiene and to attain purity of soul. There is a saying in English that "a man becomes what he eats". According to physicians and medical experts, pork is a harmful diet. Consumption of swine-flesh creates lowliness in character and destroys moral and spiritual faculties in a man.

The Qur’an has prohibited the swine-flesh, hence the Muslims would not dare touch it. The Bible has also forbidden swine-flesh, but Christians disregarded this order and started consuming it.

The life of a man is a compound of body and soul. Anything, which is harmful for the body, hurts the soul as well.

Consumption of swine-flesh reduces the feeling of shame and as such the standard of modesty. Those nations, which consume pork habitually, have a low standard of morality with the result that virginity, chastity and bashfulness are becoming a thing of the past.

Since the Western nations have become addicted to wine and pork, sexual freedom with all its attendant evils has got ingrained in their culture.

Reliable medical doctors and social scientists are able to realise how those food and drinks forbidden by Islam are harmful and destructive to the human spirit and morality as well as to the physique and moral fibre of man and to verify the benefits of Islamic legislations on the subjects.

You could not make this up - pass me a bacon sandwich someone - not only am I hungry and like eating bacon sandwiches - but I am looking forward to having a "lower standard of morality" in the future ...

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