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Propaganda Wars

In the current New Cold War propaganda war between Iran and the UK - we reach a new low in stupid NuLabour moral equivalecy - I guess we should Not Offend the Iranians

Patricia Hewitt, health secretary in Tony Blair's Cabinet, was upset by pictures broadcast from Iran of the 15 captive British sailors and marines, reported Christopher Booker of the Sunday Telegraph.

"It was deplorable that the woman hostage should be shown smoking," Ms. Hewitt said. "This sends completely the wrong message to our young people."

Yes - thats right - in the wonderful world of NuLabour it is worse to show pictures of members of our armed forces smoking that it is to show them in captivity as victims of an illegal kidnapping.

No wonder the Americans think that the UK has lost its backbone as Iran's Bluff Humbles Britian

So in 2007 the men of the Royal Navy can be kidnapped and "the strong arm of England" (in Lord Palmerston's phrase) goes all limp-wristed and threatens to go to the U.N. and talk about drafting a Security Council resolution. Backstage, meanwhile, deals are done: An Iranian "diplomat" (a k a Mister Terror Kingpin) suddenly resurfaces in Tehran after having been reported in American detention, his release purely coincidental, we're told.
Of course appeasement gets mentioned as well ..
Some liken liberal appeasers to those Britons who wanted to make a deal with Hitler after the fall of France in 1940. That's unfair to those appeasers. Their attitude was not honorable, but it was reasonable. The Nazis then possessed a substantial advantage in military power. Today's liberal appeasers embrace dhimmitude even though it's the West that has a huge military and economic advantage.
But perhaps the most pungent commentary was from Fraters Libertas who photoshopped up a picture of Churchill on a mocked up "Time Cover"


Read it and weep ...

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