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NewSpeak: A Desirable Mental Attitude?

The Brussels Journal has a nice take on the recent article in the Daily Telegraph about how How not to confuse terrorism with Islam ...

It appears the EU not only wants to restrict freedom of speech but to restrict information on the restrictions it imposes.

1. Will the Commission make this lexicon available to Members of the European Parliament? If so, please inform me how to obtain a copy.

2. If the Lexicon is not to be made available to MEPs, will the Commission please provide a full explanation of why not?

3. On what legal basis does the Commission consider that institutions of the EU have competence to determine freedom of speech & the use of language?

4. Does the Commission consider that it has any legal basis to provide, what appears to be legally binding instructions to member state press spokesmen and women, and if so, what is that legal basis?

5. On what basis is the EU empowered, or feels itself able, to decide what is and is not authentic and non-authentic Islam?

6. Has any institution of the European Union consulted any organisation or body representing the Islamic religion on the use of language to describe its adherents, or terrorists purporting to be Muslims?

Quite - if the EU has the guts to circulate a list of "B-Vocabulary Words" which are:

deliberately constructed for political purposes: words, that is to say, which not only [have] in every case a political implication, but [are] intended to impose a desirable mental attitude upon the person using them

then I would love to read it ...

Otherwise I will continue in my politically incorrect course and call "a spade a spade".

If people get the "wrong idea" and think that I am calling Islam a patriarchal misogynist religion - run by men for men and which has designs to make over the whole world in its image - I am not going to apologise

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