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Pay for Placement vs Sponsorship

This article from FreshBlog made me think about blog monetisation vs what would work better for me ..

I haven't monetised this blog - you'll find adverts on the project spaces I run - but my personal blog is free of that kind of thing.

BUT - if someone asked about a space (e.g. top left 180x100 pixels), then maybe I would hire it out .. I have bills to pay after all .. but only if I thought it was appropriate for the blog.

A lot of people don't think like that - there is money to be made - beware the "Pay for Placement" Blog

Let's say you write an average of three posts per day. If you took one paid posting per day at $20 per post and did that five days per week, that's $400 per month of income for your blog.

Where do you draw the line, though? Do you keep the advertising (and that's what it is) on topic for your blog? Do you disclose which posts are paid advertising? If you don't disclose, what's the risk of being outed?

I would draw the line when I get PAID to promote products I don't like

However .. if anyone wants something reviewed - book, film, tech-device or whatever - send it to me.

I guarantee that I will mention it here - I can't guarantee you'll like what I say though.

Any publicity is good publicity after all - especially in the Age of the Web - when SEO robots get to determine how popular you are.

Send me your books, magazines, cds, records, expensive gadgets and very fast sports cars - I guarantee to review each and every one of them ... just don't ask for them back.

If you have a product to promote - send it to me - look at it as a kind of "sponsorship" rather than "pay for placement" - and if you get a negative review just count the links - don't worry about the content.



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