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Nearly a year and still awaiting a Decision from the Information Commissioner's Office

We are still waiting for a Decision from the Information Commissioner's Office, regarding our complaint to them about the Office for Government Commerce, which we sent to the ICO on the 2nd of April 2005

Will we get a decision from the ICO before the first anniversary of our complaint to them ?


14th March 2006

Reference: FS50070196

Dear Mr XXX

Freedom of Information request to Office of Government Commerce

I am writing to provide you with an update about your FOI request. I must firtly apologise for the delay in reaching a decision in this case.

This complaint is receiving the attention of our legal department as part of our investigation process and I hope to receive its reply in the near future.

Please let me know if you require any further information about the handling of your complaint.

Yours sincerely

Complaints Resolution Officer
Freedom of Information Section
The Information Commissioner's Office

Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF

t: 01625 545700 f:01625 524510 e: mail@ico.gsi.gov.uk w: ico.gov.uk


We are hoping to hear from the Office of the Information Commissioner by 8th June 2006.

Now perhaps we might hear something by 30th June 2006 - even more "legal advice" is being taken.

It seems that a full Decision Notice, rather than a preliminary one, has now been drafted, and is awaiting approval by the Information Commissioner

Perhaps we will have heard more in 2 weeks, by the 19th July 2006.

Another "progress" report - the Information Commissioner has still made no decision.

Perhaps more news by the 11th August !

Hopefully, sometime today, we will be getting via "special delivery" a Decision Notice from the Office of the information Commissioner regarding this long running saga.

Will it be in our favour, in which case there will be a big news story, and an appeal by the OGC to the Information Tribubal ?

Or will we be disppointed, and have to consider our own appeal to the Information Tribunal ?

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