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*NOT* taking your mobile phone to a meeting deemed to be “conspiratorial behavior" in Germany

The terrorist conspiracy arrests in Germany of Dr. Andrej Holm and Dr. Matthias B., a couple of academic sociologists, and others, is making some waves in academia around the world. - see the multi-lingual website Einstellung des §129a-Verfahrens sofort! for background and press links.

See also the Open letter to the Generalbundesanwaltschaft against the criminalization of critical academic research and political engagement


The fact that he – allegedly intentionally -- did not take his mobile phone with him to a meeting is considered as “conspiratorial behavior”.

Presumably anyone who reads or downloads or acts on our little Home Office whistleblowers - hints and tips blog post could be in real trouble. 8-(

It is worth repeating this which we we said about the European Commission - Questionnaire on inciting, aiding or abetting terrorist offences

There are no conceivable situations where indirect incitement should be criminalised at all. The European Commission should not only ensure that they do not bring forward any such legislation, they should actively make legal provisions to force Member States to repeal any such legacy legislation which has infected their legal systems over the years.

The whole concept of "indirect guilt", or "guilt by racial or religious stereotype", or "guilt by indirect association", or "being your brother's keeper", or "betraying members of your own family to the authorities on suspicion not evidence" etc. etc. should be viewed as an anathema to the principles in the Charter of Fundamental Rights.


The latest "Security and Encryption FAQ - Revision 22.3" by Doctor Who, should also be essential reading for whistleblowers.

The new version can be found here; http://www.panta-rhei.eu.org/news/newsportal-0.36/article.php?id=94218&group=alt.privacy#94218

It also includes advice on dealing with RIPA III, which comes into force on 1st October.

How many other innocent people have been/will be persecuted by the state in the name of national security?

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