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Why did the Attorney General Lord Goldsmith "consent" to the prosecution of Obadiah Marius under SOCPA section 128 ?

Spy Blog articles tend to be overlong, so here is a short one, for a change:

Why did the Attorney General Lord Goldsmith "consent" to the prosecution of wandering drug addict Obadiah Marius, under the controversial Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 Section 128, for his haphazard incursion into the back of Downing Street office complex via the Cabinet Office via the 70 Whitehall entrance and manned security doors ?

If the Attorney General simply "rubber stamps" every minor and accidental breach of the obscure and complicated regulations, rather than providing a sanity check and failsafe against vindictive and embarrassed bureaucrat managers, who should be investigated and perhaps prosecuted for incompetence, then he should resign.

See this Parliament Protest blog article and comments for the relevant links to the legislation and the Sunday Express articles which the rest of the mainstream media are copying, without asking any critical questions.

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