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Freedom of Information Act (Amendment) Bill - Commons 3rd Reading Closure Motion - Ayes: 117 Noes: 22

The House of Commons has now voted on the Closure Motion for the 3rd Reading of the controversial Private Member's Bill, the Freedom of Information Act (Amendment) Bill, which seeks to de-list the House of Commons and the House of Lords from the Freedom of Information Act 2000, which currently applies to them.

Ayes: 117 Noes 22

Yet agin, there was a delay in the No Lobby, which the Deputy Speaker had to send the Serjeant at Arms to investigate. Was this a deliberate time wasting tactic ?

Yet again, there simply was no good case made for this Bill, and no evidence that the purported reason for introducing it, supposedly to protect the correspondence of individual MPs and their constitutients was brought forward.

The Liberal Democrat Simon Hughes made the point that individual members of Parliament an their offices are not public bodies under the existing FOIA.

The Bill will now be voted on for its 3rd Reading in the Commons.

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