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Terrorism Bill 2005 Second Reading debate in the House of Commons

It looks as if the Liberal Democrats are planning to vote against the controversial Terrorism Bill 2005 on its Second Reading in the House of Commons.

The Conservatives are planning to support the Labour Government, with a vague promise to seek some amendments during the Committee and Report stages.

All the debate so far has concentrated on the 90 days detention without charge and the "glorification" of terrorism offences.

Just as we predicted earlier, the other controversial bits of the legislation have hardly been mentioned e.g. the bits that will cause problems for a University or College or even the British Military, with regard to "terrorist training", and the "catch all" life sentence for Preparation of terroristt acts, even if those same acts, if actually carried out, would attract a much lower penalty, the chilling effect on Internet publishing etc.

Why are the Opposition making it so easy for Labour Government to pass unecessary and repressive legislation ?

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