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Another NO2ID Pledge: "I will refuse to register for an ID card and will donate £10 to a legal defence fund but only if 15,000 other people will also make this same pledge"

Another NO2ID Pledge - you too should become a refusnik if you have not previously signed up before:

"I will refuse to register for an ID card and will donate £10 to a legal defence fund but only if 15,000 other people will also make this same pledge."

— Simon Davies, Chairman, NO2ID

Say NO to ID cards and the database state!

Polls have shown for some time that 3 - 4 million people across the UK strongly oppose the Government's plans to introduce ID cards and a National Identity Register. Were this many of us refuse to cooperate then the scheme would be doomed to failure.

If the Government do manage to force through the ID cards legislation, this pledge (and our previous one) will not only demonstrate the level of solidarity amongst opponents of the scheme - it will form the basis of a fighting fund* and support network for all those who refuse to comply.

When Phil Booth, NO2ID National Coordinator, made a similar pledge in the summer almost 10,000 refuseniks pledged in the first month alone (11,368 by the time the pledge closed). You can show the government how quickly public opposition is growing by helping us to at least double that figure before Parliament returns in the New Year. Sign up and convince three friends to do likewise - make sure they do! - then keep spreading the word.

NO2ID continues to campaign against the introduction of ID cards and the National Identity Register on all fronts, for more information on what you can do NOW, please visit www.no2id.net

N.B. If you signed our original 'refuse' pledge then please don't sign this one! We're looking for more genuine refuseniks, rather than just to pump up the total in the fund.

*all monies pledged will be held in trust for use in defending those individuals who are prosecuted for resisting registration.

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