(taken from 'What Lies Beyond This Door' by GORDON C. WONG:)


And some were written because the world of school and homework didn't include what i and many others knew it should if it was to be the reality which would teach our children how to take care of themselves and deal with the many of us who lost their way somewhere along the line.

I like to think that i am someone who can take constructive criticism--and criticism, at least, is something i've often found myself amply given, whether i want or deserve it or not. So, anticipating that this collection is bound to be regarded as an avenue by which to vent their long-constipated spleens by such self-decided helpful parties, i thought i might take the time to explain a few reasons why you see what you see.

Originally (as i state elsewhere here), i had in mind to simply write how i felt about love and the many kinds of it that all of us have to experience during our lives.
This sure seemed simple enough when i started.
But the older i got and the more "experience" i acquired, the more i found that the distinctions and classifications broke down and that living and loving (and understanding how to) don't have a handy instruction book to rely upon.
Least of all when one figured out that, if indeed Aristotle forgot to mention love as one of the causes for human actions, he also omitted hate.
It should come as no surprise, then, that the more i learned that appearances can be deceiving and that "they" aren't always telling us why "they" really are doing things, the more i found how subtle could be the artifices "they" employed to try to convince us our eyes and hearts were deceiving us.

Early on as i was writing 'What Lies Beyond This Door', i decided that if words meant different things--sometimes almost the opposite--in different situations, this also should be something my writing should examine.
So, as you see, often i do use the same words in different contexts; sometimes to draw parallels and emphasize similarities and common bonds, and sometimes to caution how little words really mean unless you're sure why they're being used at all.